Worship Team

Our purpose in each service is to promote a peaceful environment where the Holy Spirit flows, in which the congregation can freely praise God and have an encounter with Him.

Minister Day
Minister Hour
Minister Location
Minister Leader
John Carter

Worship Team

We long to take our church to another level in its worship. To achieve this, each member of our group follows the principle of consecrating their lives to God individually and as a team. Most of our band members are active spiritual leaders in our church. Therefore, during the week, they are equipping themselves in the word and seeking constant renewal from God.

We meet weekly to plan services with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and be ready in one spirit for practice and service. We have been renewed by the modern generation with new praises; but we always try to include traditional hymns and choruses. Thus, all our worship elevates the congregation, the people of God, to enthrone him as Lord and Savior of their lives.

Although we believe that it is very important to carry out the worship service planning with excellence and order, we also give space to the Holy Spirit to do what He plans to do in each service on His people.


Our mission at Encounter Church "Worship Team" is to renew ourselves and generate a pure atmosphere where each person can feel the freedom to get closer to God and meet the Holy Spirit in each service.

It is our commitment to help each member of the worship team grow with God and progress in music, as well as in their praise as a worshipper. And it is our responsibility to remain in communion with God to listen to where He wants to lead us.

John 4:23-24 - yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.


January 29, 2025
6:00 pm

join in what God is doing at Encounter Church